
Bylaws for NOFOD from General Assembly January 8th, 1993

§ 1 Purpose

The purpose of Nordic Forum for Dance research, NOFOD, is to support cooperation between researchers of dance from the Nordic countries by, e.g.

  • Organizing conferences and seminars
Stimulating research and developmental work in the dance field
  • Supporting cooperation between all aspects of dance research
Providing assistance to the spreading of information about, and publishing of, dance research

§ 2 Seat

The seat of NOFOD follows the chair of the board and the board decides the location of the centre for administration of NOFOD.

§ 3 Members

Individuals can become members. Anybody interested in dance research can become a member. The membership starts when the membership fee is fully paid and registered. Institutions and organizations that wish to become members are equal to individual member.

§ 4 Membership Fee

The fee for membership of NOFOD is decided by the general assembly.

§5 General Assembly

The general assembly has its regular meeting in connection with the conference, if this is possible. General assembly is not held more often than once a year and at least every fourth year. 
The board announces a general assembly by a letter to each and every member with at least three months in advance. Members will send issues they wish to have discussed at general assembly at the latest 6 weeks before decided meeting date. The agenda is sent to the members at least 3 weeks before the general assembly.

General Assembly shall handle:

  • Annual report from previous period
  • Audit of account
  • Election of the board
  • Election of 2 auditors and 2 suppliants
Other issues that are found necessary or desirable to put to the general assembly

Extra ordinary general assembly shall be summed up when at least 1/3 of the members in at least 3 membership countries so wish.

§ 6 Board

The board consists of 2 representatives from every Nordic country. The individual countries representatives are elected by general assembly.

The term of office stretches until next general assembly. The board is self-constitutive with chair, vice chair and treasurer on the first meeting after the election. The constitution is given notice of to the members by letter. The board can make decisions when at least 3 countries are represented.

If one member leaves the board during progressive term of office, the board asks the country in question to nominate a replace.

§ 7 Right to Vote at General Assembly

All members who have been so for at least 2 months old membership has the right to vote at the general assembly, and members can with written authorization take over the right to vote if members do not have possibility to be present at the general assembly. Every present person at the general assembly only has one extra vote.

General assembly usually makes decisions and elections, by open voting. Changes in the bylaws demands that the changes are agreed upon with a 3/4 majority by the members present at the general assembly.

§ 8 Economy

The accounts for every calendar year are presented before the end of the first quarter of the following year, and in connection with the general assembly. The auditors give their auditor’s report to the general assembly.

§ 9 Dissolution

The general assembly can decide to dissolve NOFOD. The condition is that at least 3/4 majority of the members present at the general assembly agree on the decision. At this time the general assembly may choose one or several Nordic institutions, with closely connected areas of interests and purposes, which then are willing to take over NOFOD’s property.

Bylaws / Danish

Bylaws / Islandic

Bylaws / Norwegian

Bylaws / Swedish